The Remuneration and Nominations Committee is a single Committee according to article 10 par. 2 law 4706/2020. The Committee seeks to attract and retain the appropriate and competent members of the Board of Directors (BoD) and motivate them to achieve the performance required by the shareholders, taking into account the goal of the Company's viability, as well as ensuring the Formulation and monitoring of salaries and other benefits granted by the Company in the context of the current Remuneration Policy.
It consists of at least three (3) members, appointed by the Board. These members are all non-executive members of the Board and at least two (2) members are independent non-executive, within the meaning of the provisions of art. 9 of Law 4706/2020. Independent non-executive members constitute the majority of the members of the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed, by decision of the Board, one of its members who is an independent non-executive member of the Board. The members of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee, as a whole, have proven sufficient knowledge in the field in which the Company operates. The term of office of the members of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee coincides with the term of office of the members of the Board of Directors.
For its operation, the Committee relies (a) on its Regulation, (b) on the Suitability Policy of the members of the Board of Directors, (c) on the Evaluation Procedure of the Board of Directors and its Committees, (d) on the Independence Notification Procedure of the independent members of the Board of Directors, and (e) In the Remuneration Policy. The composition of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee is as follows:
Marianna Politopoulou, Independent Non-Executive Director – Chairwoman of the Committee
Konstantinos Rozakeas, Non-Executive Director – Member of the Committee
Angeliki Samara, Independent Non-Executive Director – Member of the Committee