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Announcement of significant change to the voting rights according to the L.3556

4 AUGUST 2023

Pursuant to the Law 3556/2007 and following a notification received by FMR LLC on 3 rd of August 2023, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. (the “Company”) informs the investors’ community that, due to the reduction of Company’s share capital, in virtue of the resolution of the Company’s Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting dated on 12.07.2023, because of the cancellation of 3,026,921 treasury shares, as announced by the Company on 28.07.2023, following to the respective approvals (i.e. the under no 3001274ΑΠ/14.07.2023 resolution of the Ministry of Development, which was registered with the General Commercial Registry (GEMI) on 14.07.2023, with Registration Number 3716516/14.07.2023 and the under no 2545/27.07.2023 resolution of the Corporate Actions Committee of the Athens Stock Exchange) , the total percentage FMR LLC indirectly holds, through controlled undertakings, on the Company’s voting rights increased on 1 st of August 2023 above 10% and in particular reached 10.45% (or 6,987,748 voting rights).

Announcement of significant change to the voting rights according to the L.3556 (126.4KB)

Release of Transactions Notification

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that Mrs. Aikaterini Saranti proceeded on June 17th of 2024 with the purchase of 1,500 common shares in total at the average price of 11.06 euro per share, on June 18th of 2024 with the purchase of 1,700 common shares in total at the average price of 11.
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