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3 JANUARY 2013

GR SARANTIS SA. (SARANTIS or the Company), in the framework of implementing the Stock Option Plan that has been introduced for the senior executives of the Company and other companies of the Sarantis Group in the sense of article 42e of Codified Law 2190/1920 (the Plan) and has been approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of 18.07.2001 and modified by subsequent General Meetings, hereby informs the public of the following:

  1. In the framework of the implementation of the Company’s Stock Option Plan, 23 out of 24 senior Company and Group executives, to whom the stock options were granted, exercised their option within the exercise period between December 5th 2012 and December 15th 2012. In total 255,000 shares of nominal value 1.54 euro per share were granted at an exercise price of 2.00 euro which corresponds to 510,000.00 euro that was paid by 17/12/2012.
  2. The Company’s Board of Directors with its 17/12/2012 resolution has approved the Company’s share capital increase, amounting to 392,700 Euro and the issuance of 255,000 new ordinary registered shares of a nominal value of 1.54 Euro each.
  3. Following this, the Company’s Board of Directors verified the payment by the 23 entitled persons, of the amount of the aforementioned share capital increase. On 27.12.2012 the Greek Ministry of Development registered at GEMI, through 25318 (K5-959) submission, elements of the Company regarding the aforementioned share capital increase and the verification of its payment, correspondingly.
  4. After the aforementioned increase, SARANTIS share capital amounts to 53,547,312.28 Euro divided into 34,770,982 registered shares, with a nominal value of 1.54 Euro each.
  5. SARANTIS will take all necessary actions, according to the respective Laws, for the new 255,000 shares to be admitted to trading in the Athens Stock Exchange.

About the present Document

The persons who are responsible for the information contained in this document are the following:

1. Konstantinos Rozakeas, Chief Financial Officer, 26 Amaroussiou – Halandriou Str., 15125, tel.: (+30) 210 61 73000

2. Konstantinos Stamatiou, Legal Advisor, 26 Amaroussiou – Halandriou Str., 151 25, tel.: (+30) 210 61 73000

3. Eleni Pappa, Investor Relations Manager, 26 Amaroussiou – Halandriou Str., 151 25, tel.: (+30) 210 61 73000


Copies of this document are available at SARANTIS headquarters at Maroussi, 26 Amaroussiou – Halandriou Str., 151 25, and on the Company’s website

For further information you may contact the shareholders’ services department (tel.: (+30) 210 61 73065.



Announcement of Regulated Information : Transactions Notification

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces, according to L.3556/2007 and the provisions of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that Mr. Kyriakos Sarantis, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Member of the Board, proceeded on September 23rd of 2024 with the purchase of 50,000 common shares in total at the average price of 10.
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