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Listing of shares derived from a share capital increase following the exercise of the Company’s stock options (stock option plan)


The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. (the Company) hereby announces that, as of Friday September 15th 2017, the one hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred and sixty (157,760) new common registered shares of the Company, which derived from a share capital increase due to the exercise of the Company’s stock options (stock option plan) by six executive members of the Company, will be subject to negotiation at the Stock Exchange of Athens. The share capital increase was realized through payment in cash, in the amount of two hundred forty four thousand and five hundred and twenty eight euro (euro 244,528) at the acquisition price of 2.00 euros in accordance with the decision of the Repeated General Meeting of the Company's shareholders of 18.07.2001 as this was modified by subsequent General Meetings as well as the Company’s Board of Directors’ decision dated May 31st 2017.

The aforementioned increase, which does not constitute a direct amendment of the Company's Articles of Association, was confirmed by the Company’s Board of Directors on July 19th 2017, in implementation of the aforementioned decisions and was filed with the Companies Registry with the respective announcement No.1146354.

The Corporate Actions Committee of Athens Stock Exchange, at its meeting of September 12th 2017, approved the listing for trading of the aforementioned 157,760 common registered shares of the Company. As of September 15 2017, the shares of the Company will be subject to negotiation at the Stock Exchange and the starting price will be formed pursuant to the Regulation of the Stock Exchange. As of that same date, the above shares will be credited to the Incorporeal Securities System accounts and the securities accounts of the beneficiaries/shareholders.

For more information, the shareholders are kindly referred to the relevant information report of L.3401/2005, which is available in electronic form at the Athens Stock Exchange site as well as the Company’s site ( and in hard copy at the company’s premises. Alternatively shareholders can contact the Company's Shareholder Services department (tel. +30 210 6173065).

Listing of shares derived from a share capital increase following the exercise of the Company’s stock options (stock option plan) (350.2KB)

Announcement of Regulated Information : Transactions Notification

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces, according to L.3556/2007 and the provisions of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that Mr. Kyriakos Sarantis, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Member of the Board, proceeded on September 23rd of 2024 with the purchase of 50,000 common shares in total at the average price of 10.
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