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21 MARCH 2006


Sarantis Group presented today in the Association of Athens Exchange’s Members (SMEHA), its new strategy for the next 10-year period, 2006 – 2015, as well as the Management’s financial forecasts for the next 3-year period. The presentation was conducted by the Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. George Koletsos, Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Konstantinos Rozakeas, and Fragrances Category Director, Mrs. Niki Siropoulou.
As Mr. Koletsos stated, the Group’s objective is to emphasize on its own product portfolio, as well as to further strengthen its positioning in Eastern as well as Southeastern European Markets.
In the context of its new strategy, the Group will focus on four strategic organic growth drivers:
  1. Mass Market Cosmetics
  2. Household products
  3. Health Care products
  4. Strategic Alliances
Management’s “slogan” for the Group’s new expansion era will be “Go for Great”, whereas essential ingredients for this achievement will be “Faster, Better and Smarter”. It is noted that as of today, Sarantis Group is present in Greece, as well as in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech R., Serbia, FYROM, as well as in Turkey and Ukraine. Within 2006, Sarantis Group will commence activities in Russia and Hungary.

With regard to Management’s forecasts for the 3-year period 2006-2008, the following table presents the relevant financial highlights:

Specifically, according to the Management’s estimates, turnover will reach EUR 303.40 million by the end of 2008, versus EUR 208.66 million in the end of 2005. According to the same plan, turnover will amount to EUR 232.03 million in 2006 and EUR 264.51 million in 2007.
Moreover, EBIT will settle at EUR 42.50 million in 2008, EUR 35.71 million in 2007 and EUR 31.60 million in 2006. It is reminded that EBIT stood at EUR 28.15 million in 2005. Finally, it should be noted that the Group’s activity in both the Russian and the Hungarian markets have been factored into the above forecasts, while no new acquisitions are included.
During the presentation, Mr. G. Koletsos and Mr. K. Rozakeas analyzed the financial results of 2005.

Release of Transactions Notification

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that Mrs. Aikaterini Saranti proceeded on June 17th of 2024 with the purchase of 1,500 common shares in total at the average price of 11.06 euro per share, on June 18th of 2024 with the purchase of 1,700 common shares in total at the average price of 11.
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