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2 APRIL 2008


Mr. Konstantinos Rozakeas, Chief Financial Officer of SARANTIS Group, presented today the Group’s strategy for the period 2008-2009 as well as the Management’s guidance on prospective financial results.

Stronger organic growth and geographical expansion are among the Group’s core strategic objectives in the next 2-year period. As Mr. Rozakeas indicated during the presentation, the Group continues to emphasize on its own brand portfolio as well as to stronger international presence especially in the SE European markets. More specifically, revenues from own brands constituted 67.5% of total revenues in 2007, as compared to 64% in 2006 and 61% in 2005, with the Management’s target settles at 80% in the next 3-year period. With regard to the Group’s international activities, the Management is seeking to gradually expand revenues from Eastern Europe and at the same time maintain strong growth rates in the so-called “old” markets. International revenues are targeted at 75% of total turnover in the following three years versus 55.6% in 2007, 51% in 2006 and 45.3% in 2005.

Furthermore, the Group views acquisitions as a means to further strengthen its presence in the “old” markets. The Management examines possible acquisition targets that satisfy the criteria of having notable market shares, strong profitability and favorable cost structure, thus increasing synergies in the post-acquisition period. In this context, the Group proceeded with the acquisition of the Romanian cosmetics company ELMIPLANT during the fourth quarter of 2007.

Mr. Rozakeas also noted that the Group plans to apply successfully the new business model in the so-called “new” markets, Ukraine, Russia and Turkey. During 2007, these markets started to operate under the new business model, under which distribution and sales are performed by a local national distributor. This leads to a more efficient distribution, advertising and promotion strategy maximizing market shares in the near and longer term. It is worth noting that Sarantis Group completed its restructuring plan in the “new” markets by reflecting all relevant cost in its 9-month 2007 financial results, while the “new” markets are not expected to post losses in 2008.

The Management’s guidance with regards to the Group’s financial performance in 2008 – 2009 is shown in the following table:

2007 Financial Results as shown in this table do not include the capital gains from the sale
of the company’s participation in K.P. MARINOPOULOS S.A.

Specifically, according to the Management’s estimates, turnover will reach EUR 271.50 million by the end of 2008, versus EUR 241.59 million in the end of 2007. According to the same plan, turnover will amount to EUR 306 million in 2009.

EBITDA is expected to increase by 20.7% in 2008 to EUR 45.20 million from EUR 37.46 million in 2007, while 2009 EBITDA is seen reaching EUR 52 million.

EBIT is estimated to reach EUR 41.50 million in 2008 from EUR 33.94 million in 2007, thus posting an increase of 22.3%, while 2009 EBIT is expected to reach EUR 48 million.

EBT is expected to settle at EUR 40.50 million in 2008, an increase of 28.3% with respect to 2007 taking into account Sarantis Group recurring business activity and excluding the proceeds from the sale of the company’s participation in K.P. MARINOPOULOS S.A, while 2009 EBT is expected to reach EUR 49 million.

In terms of Earnings after Taxes, the management estimates an increase of 32.2% in 2008, to EUR 32.40 million from 24.50 million in 2007 (not taking into account the proceeds from the sale of K.P. MARINOPOULOS S.A.), while 2009 EAT is expected to reach EUR 39.69 million.

Likewise, the Group’s Net Earnings are expected to increase by 26.9% in 2008 at EUR 32.40 million from EUR 25.54 million which was the Group’s recurring Net Earnings in 2007.

The Group’s presentation to the AGII has been posted in the Company’s website as well as to the Athens Exchange’s website.

Release of Transactions Notification

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that Mrs. Aikaterini Saranti proceeded on June 17th of 2024 with the purchase of 1,500 common shares in total at the average price of 11.06 euro per share, on June 18th of 2024 with the purchase of 1,700 common shares in total at the average price of 11.
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