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10 APRIL 2007


GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces in accordance with article 4 par.4 of Commission Regulation No 2273/2003 of European Communities, that the Company has proceeded to the purchase of own shares, pursuant to article 16 par. 5 of Law 2190/1920 and based on the Shareholder’s EGM which took place on the 23/02/2007, as follows:  
  1. In 02/04/2007 the Company acquired 10.000 shares, at a mean purchase price of 7,69 euro per share, worth of 76.900,00 euros.
  2. In 03/04/2007 the Company acquired 32.500 shares, at a mean purchase price of 7,7599 euro per share, worth of  252.198,10 euros.

Purchase of own shares

SARANTIS S.A. (“the Company”) announces that, in implementation of the resolution of the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting dated April 23rd 2024, the Company proceeded on July 3rd 2024 with the purchase of 7,800 own shares at the average price of 11.
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