Following the General Shareholders Meeting resolution dated May 31st 2022, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces the distribution of a dividend payment for the fiscal year 2021 amounting to 0.1431076139 euro per share.
According to the legislation in force, the dividend corresponding to the company’s 2,915,273 treasury shares is applied to the dividend paid out to the other shareholders and hence the dividend is increased to 0.14933796 euro per share.
The aforementioned dividend amount is subject to a 5% withholding tax and therefore shareholders will receive a net amount of 0.141871062 euro per share.
June 3rd 2022 is set as the ex-dividend date, while the entitled shareholders are those registered in the Dematerialized Securities System on June 6th 2022 (Record date).
The dividend payment will take place on Friday, June 10th 2022 via the “National Bank of Greece S.A.” as follows:
A year after the payment date, i.e. as of Monday June 12th 2023, payment will be made only at the company’s headquarters at Marousi Attica (26 Amarousiou – Halandriou Street).
For more information, Shareholders are requested to contact the Company’s Investor Relations Department, tel. + 30 210 6173065.