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Announcement of listing of new shares following a stock split and amendment of the share capital

8 JUNE 2018

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders, which took place on April 27 2018, decided the increase of the Company’s share capital by 349,387.42 euro through the capitalisation of reserves and the respective increase of the share’s nominal value from 1.55 euro to 1.56 euro. Following the aforementioned increase, the Company’s share capital will amount to 54,504,437.52 euro divided by 34,938,742 common registered shares of nominal value 1.56 euro each.

Next, the General Meeting decided the reduction of the share’s nominal value from 1.56 euro to 0.78 euro and the parallel increase of the total number of shares from 34,938,742 to 69,877,484 common registered shares (split).

The above 34,938,742 new shares shall be distributed to the Company’s shareholders in a 1:1 split proportion, i.e. one new common registered share will be given for each old common registered share.

Following the above, the Company’s share capital remains to 54,504,437.52 euro, divided into 69,877,484 shares of nominal value 0.78 euro each.

On May 10 2018 the decision of the Ministry of Economy and Development bearing No. 1382727 was registered in the General Commercial Registry by virtue of which the amendment of the respective articles of association was approved. The Board of Directors of the Athens Exchange in its meeting dated June 07 2018 approved the admission to trading of the new shares that result according to the aforementioned.

By virtue of a decision of the Company, June 13 2018 is set as the ex-date for the split. From the same business day the Company’s shares will trade with their new final nominal value of 0.78 euro per share without the right to the split. Additionally, from the same business day the opening price of the company shares in the Athens Exchange shall be determined according to the Athens Exchange Rulebook and according to ATHEX Resolution 26 as in force.

The beneficiaries of the new shares from the split are the shareholders registered in the Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) on June 14 2018 (“record date”).

The commencement date for the trading of the 34,938,742 new common registered shares is set for June 18 2018. As from the same date the above shares shall be credited in the DSS accounts of the beneficiary shareholders.

For further information the shareholders can contact the Company’s Investor Relations department at +30 210 6173065 (Mrs. Eleni Pappa).

Announcement of listing of new shares following a stock split and amendment of the share capital (436.6KB)

Comments on press articles

Following electronic press articles, GR. SARANTIS S.A. (“the Company”) informs the investment community that the Company is not contemplating any placement process regarding the Company’s treasury shares.
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