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12 JUNE 2007


In accordance with the article 4 of the Rule 5/204/14.11.2000 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, the company Gr. Sarantis SA announces the new structure of its BoD. In particular, Gr. Sarantis SA announces that according to a decision of its Board of Directors (BOD) on 12 June 2007, Mr. Fotios Mpompolas is appointed as an independent & non-executive member of the company’s BoD, replacing Mr. Aimilios Kyprianidis, previously an independent & non-executive member of the company’s BoD.

The new BOD structure of Gr. Sarantis SA is presented below:
  • Grigoris Sarantis, son of Pantazis, BOD Chairman, executive member
  • Kyriakos Sarantis, son of Pantazis, BOD Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, executive member
  • Pantazis Sarantis, son of Grigorios, non-executive member
  • Aikaterini Saranti, daughter of Pantazis, non-executive member
  • Konstantinos Rozakeas, son of Petros, executive member
  • Nikolaos Evangelou, son of Pantelis, executive member
  • Nikolaos Kontidis, son of Konstantinos, Independent non-executive member
  • Fotios Mpompolas, son of George, Independent non-executive member
  • Konstantinos Stamatiou, son of Fokion, executive member


2nd Voluntary Cleaning Action by Sarantis Group and megabrand SANITAS in collaboration with Save Your Hood

Sarantis Group and the reliable brand, SANITAS, true to their commitment to reduce their ecological footprint, organized for the second consecutive year, the joint voluntary cleaning action with the support of Save Your Hood.
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