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31 AUGUST 2010

Following the announcement dated 08/06/2010 regarding the extraordinary contribution for social responsibility of article 5, Law 3845/2010, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that the amount of the extraordinary contribution for social responsibility for the fiscal year 2010 for the Group amounts to 251,696.77 euro, instead of 467,800 euro initially estimated.

The difference stems from the Estee Lauder Hellas’ relevant liability that corresponds to the Group which amounts to 126,896.77 euro instead of 343,000 euro previously estimated.

The aforementioned amount burdens the financial results of the second quarter of 2010 of the Group.

The extraordinary contribution for social responsibility for the Company, which amounts to 124,800 euro remains unchanged.

It should also be mentioned that the aforementioned amounts will be finalized following receipt of the relative documentation by the tax authorities.

Finally, it is noted that the Estee Lauder Hellas’ relevant liability that corresponds to the Group for the year 2009 was re-estimated at 195,092.66 euro from 212,374.40 euro.

Therefore, during the first half of 2010 the total amount of the extraordinary contribution for social responsibility for the Group amounts to 446,789.43 euro.


Sarantis Greece continues its commitment to support Merimna through the "Care in Action" Initiative

Sarantis Greece, announces the launch of its annual social initiative "Care in Action" aimed at supporting the organization "Merimna." The updated campaign will take place from March 6 to March 19, 2025, in SKLAVENITIS stores, further strengthening the effort for social solidarity and development.
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