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13 APRIL 2005


In the context of its broader communication policy, aiming at a greater transparency towards community, Gr. Sarantis SA recently upgraded its web-site under the domain name
Information for investors ( is an important part of the new website aiming at the provision of complete information materials. It is about a compact communication platform, which was built according to European standards by Novus Finance which among other things specializes in the construction of investor relation web pages.

The web page of Gr. Sarantis SA is friendly to use and covers a full range of information data, requested by domestic as well as foreign investors. Among other things, the web page includes historic financial results concerning the past 5 years, corporate presentations taking place domestically and abroad, the Group’s profile, information about corporate governance, share price data, press releases, etc.

At the same time, the new web page of Gr. Sarantis is source of information for equity analysts as well, since it hosts a special section with analytical financial statements (on parent and consolidated basis), quarterly financial results, and the list of analysts covering the stock along with the relevant equity research reports so far published.

STR8 recognized with Two Major Awards at the Social Media Awards 2024!

With great joy and pride, Sarantis Group announces two significant accolades earned by the STR8 team at the Social Media Awards 2024, highlighting our commitment to innovation and excellence in the digital world: STR8 team has once again demonstrated its ability to innovate and stand out in the highly competitive world of social media.
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