Following the decision of the Board of Directors dated May 9th 2022 and in accordance with the law and the Company’s Articles of Association, our Company’s shareholders are invited to the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on Tuesday May 31st 2022, at 14:00, at the company’s premises, 26 Amaroussiou – Halandriou Street. The subjects of the daily agenda are as follows:
Should the quorum required by law not be achieved for the discussion and decision-making on one or more subjects, the shareholders are invited by the present and without publication of a special invitation to a Repeated General Meeting of the Company at the same location which will take place on Tuesday June 7th 2022 at 14:00.
Pursuant to articles 121 par. 3 and 4, 124 and 128 of Law 4548/2018, as in force, the Company informs the shareholders about the following:
Entitled to participate and vote at the Ordinary General Meeting (initial meeting and repetitive) are only individuals or legal persons having shareholder capacity at the start of the 5th day prior to the date of the General Meeting, i.e. on May 26th 2022 (“Record Date”). The above record date also applies to the Repeated General Meeting.
Towards the Company, as shareholder entitled to participate and exercise voting right at the General Meeting is considered any person registered, on the Record Date, in the records of the Dematerialized Securities System (“DSS”) of the Hellenic Central Securities Depository S.A. (“HCSD”) or any person identified as such based on the relevant date through registered intermediaries or other intermediaries, in line with the legislative provisions (L. 4548/2018, L. 4569/2018, L. 4706/2020 and Regulation (ΕU) 2018/1212), as well as the Rulebook of the Hellenic Central Securities Depository (Government Gazette Β/1007/16.03.2021).
Status of shareholder is verified by any means provided by law and in any case by means of information obtained by the Company until prior to the beginning of the General Meeting by the HCSD or through the above intermediaries in line with the above provisions. A shareholder may participate in the General Meeting through confirmations or notices of Articles 5 and 6 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1212, which are provided by the intermediary, except if the General Meeting refuses said participation for good reason which justifies this refusal in line with the applicable provisions (art.19 par. 1 L. 4569/2018, art. 124 par. 5 L. 4548/2018).
The exercise of the above rights does not require blocking of shares or following any other similar processes that would restrict the possibility of sale and transfer of shares during the period between the Record Date and the General Meeting.
Eligible shareholders may participate in the General Meeting or in Repeated General Meetings in person or by proxy. Each shareholder may appoint up to three proxies. Legal entities may appoint up to three individuals as their proxies. A proxy statement for shareholders is available on the Company’s website and in hard copy can be provided by the Shareholders’ Service Department of the Company (26 Amarousiou-Halandriou street, Marousi, 15125, Athens, tel. 210 6173 065).
The appointment and revocation of the shareholder’s proxy for participation in the General Meeting is done in writing and is notified to the Company via email at, while the original documents should be sent to the Company’s offices (26 Amarousiou-Halandriou street, Marousi, 15125, Athens). The completed and signed proxy statement must be notified to the Company, at least 48 hours prior to the General Meeting, that is until May 29th 2022 at 14:00. In the event of a Repeated General Meeting, proxy statements must be notified to the Company as above at least 48 hours prior to the Repeated General Meeting, that is until June 5th 2022 at 14:00.
A proxy holder who represents more than one shareholder may vote differently for each shareholder. If the shareholder holds shares of the Company, which appear in more than one securities account, this restriction does not prevent the shareholder from appointing different representatives for the shares appearing in each securities account in relation to the General Meeting.
A shareholder’s proxy holder is required to notify the Company, prior to the General Meeting, of any specific facts that may be useful to the shareholders in assessing any potential risk that the proxy holder has a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest may arise especially when the proxy holder is:
The appointment and revocation or replacement of the shareholder's proxy or delegate are done in writing and are communicated to the Company with the same formal validity, at least forty eight (48) hours before the convention date of the General Meeting (i.e. at the latest up to 14:00 of 29.05.2022) or in case of shareholders that are identified through intermediaries, via confirmations or notices of Articles 5 and 6 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1212, which are provided by the intermediary.
Further information on the minority shareholders rights and their exercise is available on the Company’s website
In the aforementioned cases, the shareholders who are communicating a request must provide proof of their qualification as shareholders as well as the number of shares held by them at the moment of the exercise of the relevant right by any legal means. The shareholding is certified though information the Company receives from the Central Securities Depository, as long as it provides registry services, or through the operators and registered intermediaries in any other case.
The documents and the information required by par. 3 and 4 of article 123 of law 4548/2018 are available in the Company’s website: