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Johnson & Johnson and Sarantis have signed an agreement

18 JUNE 2001

Johnson & Johnson and Sarantis have signed an agreement concerning the exclusive distribution of Johnson & Johnson products in Romania by ROMSAR, a fully owned subsidiary of GR. SARANTIS S.A.

The agreement has a three-year duration and concerns the entire range of personal care products of the American multinational. Johnson & Johnson is globally activated in the health sector and, more specifically, in developing and selling pharmaceuticals, consumer and hospital products. The turnover of Johnson & Johnson for the year 2000 amounted to $29.1 bn; the company has 98,500 employees in 175 counties.

Johnson & Johnson has business activities in Romania since 1994; the company’s sales for the year 2000 amounted to approximately $1.3 bn. The plans concerning the cooperation between Johnson & Johnson and the Sarantis Group provide for the increase of sales and the improvement of distribution of leading products, such as Johnson’s Baby, Carefree, o.b., pH 5.5, and others, in the Romanian market. Moreover, it is expected that the cooperation between the two companies will also extend to the Bulgarian market, where during the year 2000 Johnson & Johnson’s sales amounted to approximately GRD 600 million.

The above cooperation is considered important for the Sarantis Group, to the extent that it assists the Group in joining forces with one of the most established companies worldwide in the field of health and personal care products, while at the same time it is expected that the Group’s revenues will increase by at least GRD 2.5 billion annually.

STR8 recognized with Two Major Awards at the Social Media Awards 2024!

With great joy and pride, Sarantis Group announces two significant accolades earned by the STR8 team at the Social Media Awards 2024, highlighting our commitment to innovation and excellence in the digital world: STR8 team has once again demonstrated its ability to innovate and stand out in the highly competitive world of social media.
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