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9 JANUARY 2007


As announced by the management of Gr. Sarantis ABEE, following the completion of a very successful route, a change in the management structure of the Company would become effective from January the 1st, 2007.

Mr. Vaggelis Kipriotis, up to now Mass Market Sales Manager of Gr. Sarantis ABEE, would take over as a General Manager of Consumer Products in Greece.
Mr. Vaggelis Kipriotis holds a BA degree in Marketing from Ulster University, as well as an MBA from the University of Kingston. Mr Kipriotis has a 16 years professional experience in sales. From 1994 till 1998 he worked as Head of Sales in BINGO S.A. company, and from 1998 till 2000 worked in «Delta S.A.» as Manager of Thessaloniki Network.  From October 2000 he worked in our company as Sales Manager of the North Greece region, achieving the best sales figures in the company, resulting to his promotion from January 2003 to Mass Market Sales Manager. Mr Kipriotis, all these years, managed to strengthen the outlook of our company to our largest clients and collaborators by drawing a new strategy and achieving at the same time all the growth and profitability targets. In addition, he managed to create a well organised tight group of people having the necessary team spirit and sharing common targets and expectations.

The aim of the aforementioned reorganisation, according to the Managing Director of Sarantis Mr George Koletsos, is the strengthening of the company’s operation and its further profitable expansion.


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Following electronic press articles, GR. SARANTIS S.A. (“the Company”) informs the investment community that the Company is not contemplating any placement process regarding the Company’s treasury shares.
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