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5 JULY 2005


Gr. Sarantis SA announces that according to a decision of its Board of Directors (BOD) on 5 July 2005, Mr. Georgios Koletsos is appointed as Chief Executive Officer replacing Mr. Kyriakos Sarantis, who remains in the BOD as Vice Chairman. Furthermore, the Company announces that Mr. Kefalas resigns from the positions of BOD Vice Chairman and Investors’ Relations Director. Mr. Koletsos will also assume the duties of representing Gr. Sarantis Group in the international investment community.
The new BOD structure of Gr. Sarantis SA is presented below:
  • Grigoris Sarantis, son of Pantazis, BOD Chairman, executive member
  • Kyriakos Sarantis, son of Pantazis, BOD Vice Chairman, executive member
  • Georgios Koletsos, son of Athanasios, Chief Executive Officer, executive member
  • Pantazis Sarantis, son of Grigorios, non-executive member
  • Aikaterini Saranti, daughter of Pantazis, non-executive member
  • Konstantinos Rozakeas, son of Petros, executive member
  • Aimilios Kyprianidis, son of Symeon, Independent non-executive member
  • Nikolaos Kontidis, son of Konstantinos, Independent non-executive member
  • Konstantinos Stamatiou, son of Fokion, executive member
The change in the BOD structure is of strategic importance for Gr. Sarantis Group as far as corporate governance and overall strategy are concerned. The Company is among the first Greek listed enterprises, which fully aligned operations with international practices, allowing the new generation of capable and promising managers to assume top-level positions within its managerial structure. Basic objective of the above strategy is stronger corporate growth and establishment of the Company’s leading position in Eastern Europe, through enlargement of distribution networks, further build of leading market shares of own brands, as well as greater geographic expansion in Eastern Europe.

The Company and the new Management undertake and commit themselves towards constant delivery of shareholders’ value, efficiently applying and strengthening the historically successful communication policy. Transparency, mutual communication and the corporate governance principles are the corner stones of the Company’s strategy.

Mr. Georgios Koletsos is a top-ranking official in Gr. Sarantis SA since 1999, when he was appointed as General Manager of the Group’s subsidiary in Poland. After 2 years of significant contribution and growth achievements in the above subsidiary, Mr. Koletsos was promoted to General Manager of Gr. Sarantis International Division. In February 2005, he was appointed as the Group’s General Manager, holding this position until today. The constantly rising career of Mr. Koletsos within Sarantis Group was combined with a successful contribution not only in the Group’s strategy, but also in terms of financial performance and growth. This successful course within the Group implies that Mr. Koletsos is the most appropriate individual to also handle investors’ relations of Gr. Sarantis SA.

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Following electronic press articles, GR. SARANTIS S.A. (“the Company”) informs the investment community that the Company is not contemplating any placement process regarding the Company’s treasury shares.
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