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New distinctions for Sarantis Group & LANES at the Supplement Awards 2022


Lanes, the health care brand of Sarantis Group participated at the Supplement Awards 2022 and was distinguished for the innovative new food supplement, Lanes Defense Booster but also for its commercial campaign. ​

At the begging of the COVID-19 outbreak, until when the virus started to spread worldwide, consumers have rapidly increased the consumption of cold prevention products, to strengthen their Immune System. ​

Based on the above, Sarantis Group always responding quickly and following the new market trends and challenges, in order to be adapted to the new consumer needs, launched through Lanes, a new food supplement, Lanes Defense Booster, that aims to strengthen body's defense. Thanks to 15 specialized ingredients contained in its composition, it provides increased protection and is used both for defense and prevention, and for the mild and faster recovery of the body, while having a unique raspberry-strawberry flavor.​

The Brand’s ultimate goal is to maintain the friendly yet modern aesthetic that already exudes, while highlighting its most developed formula for which was awarded with a GOLD & BRONZE award. Moreover, Lanes, received the SILVER award for its 360o commercial campaign in the category of “Best consumer advertising campaign”. ​​

Supplement Awards is an institution that highlights commendable business activity in the field of dietary supplements. This year’s award were held under the auspices of SESDI (Association of Dietary Supplements Entrepreneurs).  ​

Sarantis Group​​

Headquartered in Athens and boasting a history of over 50 years, Sarantis Group is a multinational consumer products company having leading presence in Eastern Europe and an expanding geographical footprint through own subsidiaries and strong export activity worldwide. Our mission is to uplift the mood of consumers, with beautiful simplicity that makes everyday life better, by being always nearby, working closely with our stakeholders to create value sustainably. From Personal Care, Home Care and Health Care Products as well as Luxury Cosmetics, we offer well recognized brands that have a positive impact on people’s everyday lives. With strong activity in 13 countries, and in particular in Greece, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Northern Macedonia, Bosnia, Portugal, Slovenia and Ukraine, we maintain a dynamic international presence and a powerful distribution network of more than 50 countries around the world. 


A few words about Lanes:​​

Lanes is a brand of food supplements which by gaining the trust of consumers, is the most reliable choice, offering products of excellent quality and excellent nutritional value. The continuous development of its product portfolio offers specialized products & targeted solutions for every consumer need, so that within a food supplement, you can find everything you need to live what you want! 

New distinctions for Sarantis Group & LANES at the Supplement Awards 2022 (224.2KB)

2nd Voluntary Cleaning Action by Sarantis Group and megabrand SANITAS in collaboration with Save Your Hood

Sarantis Group and the reliable brand, SANITAS, true to their commitment to reduce their ecological footprint, organized for the second consecutive year, the joint voluntary cleaning action with the support of Save Your Hood.
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