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Notification of home member state

27 MAY 2016

GR. SARANTIS S.A., under the provisions of Law 3556/2007, as amended by Law 4374/2016 announces that:

The Home Member State of the Company is Greece and the competent supervisory authority is the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.

This disclosure is done in compliance to the adjustment of the Greek legislation to the Directive 2013/50 / EC on transparency.

Notification of Home Member State (234.0KB)

New Distinctions for the Sarantis Group and the International Development Department at the Sales Excellence Awards 2024

Sarantis Group is a multinational consumer goods company with a constantly expanding geographical footprint and leading brands. With significant activity in thirteen countries organized into 8 business units – Greece (including Portugal and selected international markets), Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Western Balkans, Czech Republic & Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary – the Group maintains its dynamic international presence and its remarkable distribution network in more than 50 countries worldwide.
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