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22 JANUARY 2007


The Board of Directors of GR. SARANTIS S.A. would like to inform the investor community that the Extraordinary General Shareholders meeting of the company which took place on 21/12/2006 approved, amongst other issues, the placement of the distinctive title "SARANTIS" for the Company.

The Ministry of Development approved, with the No Κ2- 18206/2007 decision, the relevant amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association.

The Athens Stock Exchange Board of Directors during its meeting on 18/01/2007 was informed of the above decision. Following that, the Athens Stock Exchange Board of Directors set the date it will use "SARANTIS" as the distinctive title of the company to be the 24/01/2007.
For more information the shareholders of the company can contact the Shareholders Service Department (tel. 210-6173065, Mrs Eleni Pappa).


STR8 recognized with Two Major Awards at the Social Media Awards 2024!

With great joy and pride, Sarantis Group announces two significant accolades earned by the STR8 team at the Social Media Awards 2024, highlighting our commitment to innovation and excellence in the digital world: STR8 team has once again demonstrated its ability to innovate and stand out in the highly competitive world of social media.
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