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Release Date of H1 2024 Financial Results & Conference Call Invitation

20 AUGUST 2024

Sarantis Group will release its H1 2024 Financial Results, as follows:

  • Monday, September 2nd 2024 following Athens Exchange Market closing – Results Release, which will be available at the Athens Stock Exchange website ( and at Sarantis Group website (
  • Tuesday, September 3rd 2024 at 16:00 (Athens time) – Investors’ and Analysts’ update via conference call.

The Conference Call Invitation is attached, as well as dial-in details are available at the company’s website under the section Results Release.

Release Date of H1 2024 Financial Results & Conference Call Invitation (213.9KB) Conference Call Invitation (126.7KB)

Sarantis Group Sustainability Report 2023

Sarantis Group, being fully committed to its strategy, is intensifying efforts towards Sustainable Development and reaffirms once again its dedication towards innovation and high-quality products that are safe and environmentally friendly.
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