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Release Date of the Nine-Month 2023 Trading Update

18 OCTOBER 2023

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that it will release its nine-month 2023 trading update on Tuesday, 7 November 2023, before the opening of the Athens Exchange. The trading update will be also available as of that time on the company's website under the section IR Releases.

Release Date of the Nine-Month 2023 Trading Update (176.2KB)

Sarantis Greece continues its commitment to support Merimna through the "Care in Action" Initiative

Sarantis Greece, announces the launch of its annual social initiative "Care in Action" aimed at supporting the organization "Merimna." The updated campaign will take place from March 6 to March 19, 2025, in SKLAVENITIS stores, further strengthening the effort for social solidarity and development.
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