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26 FEBRUARY 2014

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting


On 26/02/2014, Wednesday and at 16:00, the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of “GR. SARANTIS S.A.” took place at the company’s registered offices. During the General Meeting, 26 shareholders representing 24,744,510 shares were present, corresponding to 71.16% of the company’s share capital and voting rights. As a result, the company had the required by the law quorum and majority to make decisions on the daily agenda issues and specifically, the above Meeting:

  1. Approved to increase the share capital by 347,709.82 euro through the capitalization of reserves that were generated up until 31/12/2013 (L.4172/2013) and derive from revenues that were exempted from tax according to L.2238/1994.

    The aforementioned share capital increase will be realized through an increase in the share’s nominal value by 0.01 euro, from 1.54 euro to 1.55 euro per share.

    Specifically, the voting results are as follows:

    • Positive votes: 24,744,510, i.e. 100.00% of the total votes.
    • Negative votes: 0.
    • Abstain: 0.
  2. Approved the following addition at article 5 of the company’s Articles of Association:

    “Following the Extraordinary General Meeting resolution dated 26/02/2014, the company’s share capital increased, by an amount of 347,709.82 euro, due to the capitalization of reserves, with a subsequent increase in the share’s nominal value from 1.54 euro to 1.55 euro per share.

    Following this increase, the company’s share capital amounts to 53,895,022.10 euro and is divided by 34,770,982 shares of nominal value 1.55 euro each.”

    Specifically, the voting results are as follows:

    • Positive votes: 24,744,510, i.e. 100.00% of the total votes.
    • Negative votes: 0.
    • Abstain: 0.

Comments on press articles

Following electronic press articles, GR. SARANTIS S.A. (“the Company”) informs the investment community that the Company is not contemplating any placement process regarding the Company’s treasury shares.
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