On June 18th 2019, Tuesday and at 15:00 p.m., the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of “GR. SARANTIS S.A.” took place at the company’s registered offices. During the General Meeting, 120 shareholders representing 53,921,461 shares were present, corresponding to a 77.17% of the company’s share capital. As a result, the company had the required by the law quorum and majority to make decisions on the daily agenda issues.
Specifically, the above Meeting:
1. Approved the Annual Company and Consolidated Financial Statements for the fiscal year 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018, as well as the Management (Board of Directors) Report and Auditors Reports, as these were uploaded in the company’s website and are included in the 2018 Annual Financial Report.
Moreover, approved the distribution of dividend of € 0.14893 per share to the Company’s shareholders eligible for dividend payment. The payment will be realized on July 31st 2019, while the ex-dividend day is set on July 24th 2019.
The voting was as follows:
Positive votes: 53,720,221, i.e. 76.88% of the total shares and voting rights and 99.63% of the present votes.
Negative votes: 152,796, i.e. 0.22% of the total shares and voting rights and 0.28% of the present votes.
Abstain: 48,444, i.e. 0.07% of the total shares and voting rights and 0.09% of the present votes.
2. Approved the overall management of the company for the year 2018.
The voting was as follows:
Positive votes: 53,921,461, i.e. 77.17% of the total shares and voting rights and 100% of the present votes.
Negative votes: 0.
Abstain: 0.
3. Discharged the statutory auditors from any liability for damages regarding the financial statements and the management of the aforementioned financial year.
The voting was as follows:
Positive votes: 53,921,461, i.e. 77.17% of the total shares and voting rights and 100% of the present votes.
Negative votes: 0.
Abstain: 0.
4. Elected the audit firm “BDO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT S.A.” as the auditor for the financial year 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2019 and approved auditing company's fee as the minimum fee defined by law plus VAT.
The voting for the aforementioned resolution was as follows:
Positive votes: 41,308,498, i.e. 59.12% of the total shares and voting rights and 76.61% of the present votes.
Negative votes: 9,570,915, i.e. 13.70% of the total shares and voting rights and 17.75% of the present votes.
Abstain: 3,042,048, i.e. 4.35% of the total shares and voting rights and 5.64% of the present votes.
5. Approved the adaptation and amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association according to the provisions of the law 4548/2018.
The voting was as follows:
Positive votes: 35,784,676, i.e. 51.21% of the total shares and voting rights and 66.36% of the present votes.
Negative votes: 13,208,033, i.e. 18.90% of the total shares and voting rights and 24.49% of the present votes.
Abstain: 4,928,752, i.e. 7.05% of the total shares and voting rights and 9.14% of the present votes.
6. Approved the remuneration paid to members of the BoD since the beginning of the year 2019 until the end of May of 2019 as follows:
To Mr. Grigorios Sarantis, Chairman of the BoD, an amount equal to 150,000 euro.
To Mr. Kyriakos Sarantis, CEO and Vice-Chairman, an amount equal to 300,000 euro.
To Mr. Konstantinos Rozakeas, executive member of the BoD, an amount equal to 4,582 euro.
To Mr. Konstantinos Stamatiou, executive member of the BoD, an amount equal to 13,205.83 euro.
To Mrs Ekaterini Saranti, non-executive member of the BoD, an amount equal to 84,115.41 euro.
The voting was as follows:
Positive votes: 53,832,225, i.e. 77.04% of the total shares and voting rights and 99.83% of the present votes.
Negative votes: 0.
Abstain: 89,236, i.e. 0.13% of the total shares and voting rights and 0.17% of the present votes.
7. Approved the Company’s Remuneration Policy which is prepared according to the provisions of L.4548/2018.
The voting was as follows:
Positive votes: 38,012,146, i.e. 54.40% of the total shares and voting rights and 70.50% of the present votes.
Negative votes: 15,771,635, i.e. 22.57% of the total shares and voting rights and 29.25% of the present votes.