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Summary of the “Five for the Średzki Hospital” charity

21 APRIL 2020

We are pleased to announce that the “Five for the Średzki Hospital” charity initiative initiated by Polipak Ltd. was a huge success!

The collection was organized to support and help our local hospital during this difficult time caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Thanks to the local solidarity of as many as 46 companies from Wednesday and the surrounding area, we were able to collect over PLN 260,000!

The entire sum was transferred directly to the hospital’s account in order to purchase the most necessary equipment for saving human health and life, such as e.g. respirators.

We would like to thank all who supported our campaign on behalf of ourselves and Średzki Hospital! We hope that what we have done together will give rise to a new tradition of helping together, to which we invite all of you.

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