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The annual turnover is estimated to reach 52 billion Drs. in year 2000

22 FEBRUARY 2000

The Sarantis Group of Companies continues its dynamic expansion and development course of the last years. More specifically, in 2000 the Group’s turnover is expected to reach 52 billion Drs. (increased by 21% compared to 43 billion Drs. in 1999) and the net profits 7 billion Drs. (increased by 19% compared to 5.9 billion Drs. in 1999).

In this growth, the new storage and production unit of Sarantis at Viotia is expected to contribute significantly. In effect this center is the most advanced production and distribution unit of consumer goods (cosmetics and household products) in Greece. The total cost of this investment reached 6 billion Drs., a great part of which was subsidized by European Union programs.

The new plant covers a total area of 27.000 m2. The production area is 9.500 m2, the warehouse 15.000 m2 while the remaining space includes a fire extinction system, a biological cleaning unit, air-conditioning etc. I rest includes a pump fire fighting room, biological cleaning system, air conditioning installations etc. What is also worth noting is that all premises are fully air-conditioned by a pioneer solar station unit. This station operates with 1.332 solar collectors covering an area of 2.000 m2 (second larger solar collector unit in Europe).

The Group’s distribution center is characterized by experts as one of the most advanced distribution centers in Europe.

With the operation of this new unit, the Sarantis Group of Companies aims to significantly reduce its costs, strengthen its position in the distribution channels and expand the range of goods that it produces, represents and distributes in Greece and abroad, by respectively increasing its share in the consumer goods market.

Release Date of FY 2024 Annual Financial Results and Annual Financial Report & Conference Call Invitation

Sarantis Group will release its FY 2024 Annual Financial Results and Annual Financial Report, as follows: Wednesday, March 12th 2025 following Athens Exchange Market closing – Results and Report Release, which will be available at the Athens Stock Exchange website (www.
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