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IR Releases

2 MARCH 2022

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated September 02 2020, the Company proceeded on March 2nd 2022 to the purchase of 1,120 own shares at the average price of 6.

1 MARCH 2022

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated September 02 2020, the Company proceeded on March 1st  2022 to the purchase of 2,500 own shares at the average price of 6.

28 FEBRUARY 2022

Sarantis Group contributes through volunteering to the mission of Orama Elpidas Αssociation

An educational webinar was held for the Group's employees in Greece encouraging them to volunteer through a donation of Hematopoietic Cells / Bone Marrow  Sarantis Group in the occasion of the World Cancer Day on February 4th and the World Day against Childhood Cancer on February 15th, organized a webinar for its employees in Greece.

28 FEBRUARY 2022

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated September 02 2020, the Company proceeded on February 25th 2022 to the purchase of 7,300 own shares at the average price of 7.

24 FEBRUARY 2022

Response to a letter sent by the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A., following the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission’s inquiry letter dated February 24th 2022 regarding the recent developments in Ukraine, provides answers to the following specific issues, as follows: (a) Information on financial figures (percentage of turnover, purchases and assets for the year 2021: The company GR.

24 FEBRUARY 2022

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated September 02 2020, the Company proceeded on February 24th 2022 to the purchase of 6,529 own shares at the average price of 6.

21 FEBRUARY 2022

Polipak Sp. z o.o., Sarantis Group subsidiary in Poland, has once again been distinguished in the prestigious "Forbes Diamonds" ranking

Polipak Sp. z o.o., Sarantis Group subsidiary in Poland, has once again been distinguished in the prestigious "Forbes Diamonds" ranking! The Group's subsidiary, Pοlipak, is one of the four production units of Sarantis Group and a pioneer in the production of garbage bags.

11 JANUARY 2022

Announcement of significant change to the voting rights according to the L.3556

Pursuant to the Law 3556/2007 and following a notification received by Swedbank Robur Fonder AB on January 10th 2022, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. (the “Company”) informs the investors’ community that, due to sale of shares, the total direct percentage held by the shareholder on the Company’s voting rights dropped below 5% on January 07th  2022 and in particular reached 4.

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