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IR Releases

13 JULY 2020

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated July 25 2018, the Company proceeded on July 10th 2020 to the purchase of 500 own shares at the average price of 8.

10 JULY 2020

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated July 25 2018, the Company proceeded on July 9th 2020 to the purchase of 500 own shares at the average price of 8.

9 JULY 2020

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated July 25 2018, the Company proceeded on July 8th 2020 to the purchase of 4,000 own shares at the average price of 8.

8 JULY 2020

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated July 25 2018, the Company proceeded on July 7th 2020 to the purchase of 2,367 own shares at the average price of 8.

6 JULY 2020

Sarantis Group launches Bioten’s new antibacterial line for the hands

Bioten, which belongs to Sarantis Group, one of the most popular and beloved brands of personal care, enriches its product portfolio with the new antibacterial line for the hands BIOTEN ANTIBACTERIAL, in order to meet the increased needs created due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

3 JULY 2020

Sarantis Group in collaboration with AB Vassilopoulos support the action: live and offline, a CSR corporate initiative

Sarantis Group, faithful to its commitment to support Greek society, joins forces with AB Vassilopoulos & KETHEA and through its brands supports the treatment of social issues such as children's addiction to the internet and screens.

3 JULY 2020

Announcement of regulated information according to the L.3556

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces, according to the articles 3 and 21 of the L.3556/2007 and the provisions of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that Mr.

2 JULY 2020

Purchase of own shares

In effect of the article 5 of the 596/2014 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that according to article 49, of the Law 4548/20, and based on the resolutions of the Shareholder's Extraordinary General Meeting dated July 25 2018, proceeded to purchases of own shares as follows:   Trading Date Shares Price Value 30-June-20 10,000 8.

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