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Press Releases

18 MAY 2021

Sarantis Group subsidiary, Polipak, was awarded with the Blue Angel ecolabel

Sarantis Group was awarded, for its environmentally responsible practices, with the German Blue Angel ecolabel. Particularly, the Group’s garbage bags production plant in Poland, Polipak, was distinguished for the high level of recycled plastic used in its products.

28 APRIL 2021

Amendment of Sarantis Group Updated Financial Calendar 2021

GR. SARANTIS S.A., in accordance with the paragraphs 4.1.2 and, of the Athens Stock Exchange regulation, informs the investors’ community of its updated Financial Calendar for 2021:   May 20th 2021 18:00 Annual General Shareholders Meeting.

19 APRIL 2021

Sarantis Group’s homecare brand SANITAS, continues its social contribution through the NGO Boroume

By Offering 100,000 food portions and 6,000 food packaging products to Boroume In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, SANITAS, the Group's No. 1 homecare brand in Greece, continues its efforts to offer to society by intensifying its CSR actions.

9 APRIL 2021

Sarantis Group BoD proposes an increase of 34% in the dividend towards its shareholders reaching €15mil., corresponding to 0.2146614 euro per share.

Following the Group’s significant financial performance, the company’s Board of Directors proposes a 34% increase of dividend payment to its shareholders. The performance of the Group’s consolidated FY 2020 financial results highlighted the agility and the resilience of its business model, as well as its ability to respond quickly to the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

11 MAY 2021

SARANTIS GROUP First Quarter of 2021 trading update

AN EXCEPTIONAL START TO THE YEAR SIGNIFICANT EBIT GROWTH OF 53% EBITDA UP BY 38% Sarantis Group started the year exhibiting significant profitability increase and robust sales growth, an exceptional performance, amidst an operating landscape that remains challenging and volatile across the Group’s geographies.

28 APRIL 2021

Invitation to the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting

Following the decision of the Board of Directors dated April  28th 2021 and in accordance with the article 20 of the Articles of Association, as well as a. 120 par. 3 of L.4548, our Company’s shareholders are invited to the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting which shall be held remotely in real time via teleconference and without the physical presence of shareholders at the venue, due to the current extraordinary circumstances and in line with precaution measures aiming to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, according to the details below, on Thursday May 20th 2021, at 18:00.

15 APRIL 2021

Sarantis Group supported with product donations within the COVID-19 pandemic period at Czech Republic

As COVID-19 pandemic is escalating, Sarantis Group stays true to our commitment to offer back to the society through its loved and trusted brands across its region. During this unprecedented period the Group supports further the enormous efforts made to address the spread of the coronavirus through multiple ways.

8 APRIL 2021

Consolidated Financial Results Full Year of 2020

SARANTIS S.A. Consolidated Financial Results Full Year of 2020   ACHIEVING A 10-YR RECORD OF 15.94% IN EBITDA MARGIN EBIT GROWTH OF 14.19% SUSTAINING STRONG SALES GROWTH MOMENTUM AT 6.3% DELIVERING ON MARGIN EXPANSION   During FY 2020, the Group delivered another 10-yr record EBITDA margin, that reached 15.


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