PRESS RELEASE Sarantis Group signed off the agreement for the establishment of its subsidiary company in Russia, Sarantis Russia Sarantis Group of companies, in line with its strategic objective of geographical expansion in the Eastern European markets as well as its commitment to become one of the leading distribution companies of consumer goods in the area, concluded an agreement with the Russian company Reiting S.
PRESS RELEASE ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS Sarantis Group’s management presented positive financial forecasts for the period 2005 – 2008 according to the International Financial Reporting Standards.
PRESS RELEASE On Wednesday the 31th of August 2005, Gr. Sarantis SA Group will release, according to the following schedule, the results for the 1st half of 2005: 10:30 – Press Release, which will be available in the Athens Stock Exchange web page (www.
PRESS RELEASE Balanced and steady growth of financial results both in Greece and abroad. Further improvement of profit margins due to a more efficient product mix. Strengthening of the Group’s position in Eastern Europe in view of strong advertising expenditures.
PRESS RELEASE GR. Sarantis SA notifies that the Interim Financial Statements of the first six months 2005 (6M 2005) which have been approved by the Board of the Directors of the company the 8th August 2005, have been published in the newspaper Kathimerini (paper: 26068, page 23) the 31st September 2005 and also appeared in the website of the company the same date, had mistakenly been titled as “Financial results of the first six months of 2005”.
PRESS RELEASE Consolidated financial results in 1st half 2005 were in line with Management’s forecasts. Foreign markets posted higher growth rates as compared to the domestic market, raising their contribution in total consolidated turnover.
PRESS RELEASE Gr. Sarantis SA announces that according to a decision of its Board of Directors (BOD) on 5 July 2005, Mr. Georgios Koletsos is appointed as Chief Executive Officer replacing Mr. Kyriakos Sarantis, who remains in the BOD as Vice Chairman.
ANNOUNCEMENT Sarantis Group delays the publication of the first quarter 2005 financial results due to changes in the consolidation method of the Joint Venture with Estee Lauder International.As it was announced by the Sarantis Group Management, the first quarter 2005 financial results will be released on the 16/6/2005, instead of the 30/5/2005 as it was initially stated.