PRESS RELEASE 2% rise in turnover and 26% in pre-tax earnings present the consolidated results of the Sarantis Group for the time period Jan.-Sept. of 2003 compared to the respective time period of 2002.
PRESS RELEASE The first semester of 2003 has come to an end with increase in all primary aggregates for Sarantis Group. Specifically, the first semester consolidated sales reached 108.2 million Euro in 2003 compared to 106.
PRESS RELEASE Increase in sales volume by 18% and pre-tax earnings by 10% is disclosed in the consolidated results of Sarantis Group in 2002. Specifically, the net Group sales for 2002 amounted to Euro 219 million with respect to Euro 185 million in 2001, while the pre-tax earnings amounted to Euro 18.
PRESS RELEASE Increase in results both in terms of sales volume and net pre-tax earnings is disclosed in the consolidated balance sheet of Sarantis Group. Specifically, the consolidated turnover of Sarantis reached a total of Euro 153.
PRESS RELEASE The company Lobelin-Pharmacare SA, an affiliate of Gr. Sarantis ABEE Group, with business activities regarding OTC-parapharmaceutical products in the area of Drugstores, has signed a unique for European standards exclusive co-operation agreement for the supply and distribution in the Greek market of pioneer diagnostic products of the rapidly growing Greek company Bionuclear SA, commencing immediately with the pioneer product Narcocheck.
PRESS RELEASE Rise in earnings and turnover for Sarantis at closing of the 1st Trimester 2003. Specifically, within the 1st trimester of 2003, Sarantis Group, on consolidated basis, increased its sales volume by 16.
PRESS RELEASE LOBELIN SA first entered the market of the nutritional supplements and vitamins in Greece in 1981, after 21 years continues its successful, upward trend at the health & care products’ field after 21 years and it is merging with PHARMACARE SA, amplifying the existing product portfolio with well-known and successful Korff, ClearBlue, Manicare & Filovit brands.