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Press Releases

30 JANUARY 2020

Polipak wins Forbes diamonds

Polipak was among the winners of the prestigious group of “Forbes Diamonds” 2020, i.e. the annual ranking of companies that have increased their value most effectively in the last three years. Its results are based on the Swiss company valuation method.

31 DECEMBER 2019

Announcement regarding the completion of the Cross Border Merger GR Sarantis S.A.- GR Sarantis Cyprus Limited

The management of the societe anonyme company under the name GRIGORIS SARANTIS INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL COMPANY OF COSMETICS, APPAREL, HOUSEHOLD AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS SOCIETE ANONYME informs the investors about the completion of the Cross Border Merger between: a) the Greek societe anonyme company under the name “GRIGORIS SARANTIS INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL COMPANY OF COSMETICS, APPAREL, HOUSEHOLD AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS SOCIETE ANONYME”, with General Commercial Registry (G.

10 DECEMBER 2019

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting

On December 9th 2019, Monday and at 14:00, the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of “GR. SARANTIS S.A.” took place at the Company’s registered offices. During the General Meeting, 124 shareholders representing 51,445,630 shares were present, corresponding to a 73.

27 NOVEMBER 2019

A tree for Środa Wielkopolska

On the parking lot at Kupiec Średzki on November 27, 2019, trees and shrubs were planted. In total, greenery in Środa Wielkopolska will be enriched by 14 red maple trees funded by Polipak and over 600 shiny cotoneaster shrubs.

1 JANUARY 2020

Creation of POLI-LAB – a modern research laboratory

With the beginning of the year, we have opened a specialized laboratory, distinguished by modern equipment allowing for a wide range of measurements and research. The laboratory has been equipped with devices such as moisture analyzer, a plastometer, a testing machine, an octagon, a spectrophotometer or Dart Drop.

17 DECEMBER 2019

Christmas packages for children and senior citizens

During the holidays, we do not forget about the youngest and oldest inhabitants of the Średzki District. Just before Christmas, Polipak employees prepared and handed parcels for children from the educational care centers in Szlachcin and senior citizens from the nursing homes.


Interview with Kyriakos Sarantis at Reporter Magazine, in December 2019. Mr. Sarantis explains the secrets of the Group’s international growth.

Interview with Kyriakos Sarantis, CEO of Sarantis Group, at Reporter Magazine, in December 2019. Mr. Sarantis explains in this interview the corporate secrets of the Group’s international growth. The Group is an exceptional example of business booming despite the adverse scenery of the country.

14 NOVEMBER 2019

Nine Months of 2019 trading update

SARANTIS GROUP Nine Months of 2019 trading update   EBITDA GROWTH BY 17% GROUP SALES GROWTH OF 9% ON TRACK TO MEET THE GROUP’S GUIDANCE   The Group’s total turnover accelerated reaching € 266.82 million in 9M 2019 from € 244.


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