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Press Releases

4 OCTOBER 2017

Comments regarding a decision of the Greek anti-trust committee

In relation to the Decision No 646/2017 of the Anti-Trust Committee pursuant to an investigation in the cosmetics wholesale and retail market, that has imposed to GR. SARANTIS S.A. a fine of 1,939,849.

26 JULY 2017

Consolidated financial results first half of 2017

DELIVERING + 57% EPS GROWTH HEALTHY BALANCE SHEET ON TRACK TO MEET THE GUIDANCE   During the first half of 2017 the Group delivered remarkable net income growth, while Group sales remained strong, despite the continuing political instability and uncertainty particularly in the Greek market, reflecting the strength of its brand portfolio and the increased penetration across its distribution channels.

10 MAY 2017

First Quarter of 2017 trading update

 DOUBLE-DIGIT TURNOVER AND PROFITABILITY GROWTH SALES UP BY 12% EBIT INCREASED BY 17%     The Group’s First Quarter of 2017 financial figures mark a significant beginning for the year 2017.   The Group delivered double digit growth in turnover and profitability demonstrating at the same time a significant improvement on profitability margins, despite the continuing uncertainty and political instability in the market.

5 MAY 2017

Constitution of Gr. Sarantis S.A. board of directors into a body

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that the Board of Directors, which was elected during its Annual General Shareholders Meeting dated May 3rd 2017, constituted into a Body on May 3rd 2017 as follows:   Chairman: Gregory Sarantis Vice Chairman and C.


Announcement regarding the share capital and number of shares.

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A., according to article 9 par. 5 of the Law 3556/2007, and following the issuance of 157,760 new common registered shares of the Company that derived from the exercise of the Company’s stock options, announces that the Company’s share capital amounts now to 54,155,050.

11 JULY 2017

Release date of Sarantis group financial results for h1 2017 & conference call invitation

Sarantis Group will release the H12017 consolidated financial results, according to the following schedule:   Wednesday July 26th 2017 after ASE closing – Results Release, which will be available in the Athens Stock Exchange web page (www.

8 MAY 2017

Sarantis Group announces its partnership with Giannis Antetokounmpo

Within the context of its strategic growth plan, both in its existing territory as well as new markets, Sarantis Group announces its partnership with Giannis Antetokounmpo, a renowned Greek professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association (NBA).

4 MAY 2017

Announcement of dividend payment of fiscal year 2016

Following the General Shareholders Meeting resolution dated May 03rd 2017, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces the distribution of dividend payment for the fiscal year 2016 amounting to 0.17254 euro per share.


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