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Press Releases

22 AUGUST 2000

Report of Results for the 1st Half of 2000

PRESS RELEASE The consolidated results of the Sarantis Group displayed a growth in sales of 19% and earnings of 10% in the first half of 2000, compared to the first half of 1999. In terms of operating profits, Sarantis shows an impressive growth of 70% in comparison to the corresponding period last year.

24 MARCH 2000

A preliminary contract for the sale of 49% of the K.P. MARINOPOULOS S.A. shares to GR. SARANTIS S.A. was signed

PRESS RELEASE A preliminary contract for the sale of 49% of the K.P. MARINOPOULOS S.A. shares to GR. SARANTIS S.A. was signed. K.P. MARINOPOULOS S.A. is concerned with the distribution and representation of pharmaceutical products with a significant export activity.

22 FEBRUARY 2000

The annual turnover is estimated to reach 52 billion Drs. in year 2000

PRESS RELEASE The Sarantis Group of Companies continues its dynamic expansion and development course of the last years. More specifically, in 2000 the Group’s turnover is expected to reach 52 billion Drs.

29 MAY 2000

Financial Results - 1st Quarter 2000

PRESS RELEASE In the first quarter of 2000, SARANTIS Group consolidated balance sheet presents 28% increase in sales and +12% in profits. More specifically, the consolidated sales reached 10,8 billion Drs.

8 MARCH 2000

ATHINAIA S.A., and MULTIRAMA S.A. are moving towards a strategic partnership.

PRESS RELEASE ATHINAIA S.A., one of the most historic companies in the department stores business, and MULTIRAMA S.A., a subsidiary company of GERMANOS S.A. and SINGULAR S.A., which operates in the retail business of information technology & telecommunication products and services are moving towards a strategic partnership.

22 FEBRUARY 2000

Group Estimates Earning for the Fiscal Year 2000

PRESS RELEASE The consolidated results of Sarantis Group in 1999 surpassed even the most optimistic estimations, presenting a turnover increased by 24%, while the profits before tax increased by 107%.


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