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7 MAY 2008

Following the decision of the Board of Directors and in accordance with the article 22 of Articles of Association, our Company’s shareholders are invited to the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on June 2nd 2008, Monday, 17:30 pm, at 26 Amaroussiou – Halandriou Street.


 Purchase of the company’s own shares, according to the Modified Law 2190/1920, article 16 and grant of relevant authorization.

Should the quorum required by law not be achieved, the Repeated Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company will take place on Wednesday, June 18th 2008, at 17:00, at the same place, without the publication of a further invitation. 

All shareholders of the Company have the right to attend this meeting either in person or by proxy. The proxy will be available to the public in printed form at the Company’s offices at the Company’s Shareholders’ Department at 26 Amaroussiou-Halandriou Street, Marousi, 15125, and on the company’s website (

Shareholders, who have dematerialized their securities not currently registered in the Special Account of the Hellenic Exchanges S.A. (HELEX), must deposit the total number or part of their shares via the Account Operator and receive the relevant deposit certificate, issued by HELEX, in order to participate in the Shareholders Meeting. In turn, shareholders must submit the relevant certificate in the Company’s cashiers along with any representation documents at least five (5) calendar days prior to the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Shareholders, who have dematerialized their securities currently registered in the Special Account of the Hellenic Exchanges S.A. (HELEX), must deposit the total number or part of their shares via the Account Operator and receive the relevant deposit certificate, issued by HELEX, in order to participate in the Shareholders Meeting. In turn, shareholders must submit the relevant certificate along with any other document and any representation documents in the Company’s offices (GRIGORIS SARANTIS SA, 26 Amaroussiou – Chalandriou Street) at least five (5) calendar days prior to the date of the Shareholders Meeting.

Marousi, 07 May 2008

The Board of Directors

Release of Transactions Notification

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that Mrs. Aikaterini Saranti proceeded on June 17th of 2024 with the purchase of 1,500 common shares in total at the average price of 11.06 euro per share, on June 18th of 2024 with the purchase of 1,700 common shares in total at the average price of 11.
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