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Sustainability News

20 APRIL 2022

Sarantis Group still embraces the Ukrainian people through offered humanitarian aid

The Group's concern is the protection of its employees in Ukraine while further strengthening humanitarian aid channels for the war victims As the war in Ukraine still rages on, at Sarantis Group we still stand with all those that are suffering, including our employees and their families in Ukraine.

7 APRIL 2022

Sarantis Group through SANITAS support the society through acts of solidarity

This Easter, Sarantis Group, in the light of its Corporate Responsibility, further strengthens the NGO’s “Boroume” mission for the 6th consecutive time embracing socially vulnerable groups   Sarantis Group, one of the largest FMCG multinational companies with significant international presence, leading brands and strategic partnerships, embraces the Greek society through acts of solidarity.

8 MARCH 2022

Sarantis Group honors the International Women’s Day by promoting messages of respect and diversity through its personal care brand STR8

STR8, a men's care brand of Sarantis Group, celebrates the International Women's Day through its inspired campaign (HU) -MAN UP, the campaign’s motto: "Because the moment you choose what man you want to be is the moment you choose what man you want to become".


CSR actions that support the society by Sarantis Group through SANITAS

This Christmas the Group further strengthens the NGO’s “Boroume” mission for the 5th consecutive time and actively supports socially vulnerable groups Sarantis Group, one of the largest FMCG multinational companies with significant international presence, leading brands and strategic partnerships, remains faithful to its commitment to support the Greek society through actions of love and offering.

11 APRIL 2022

Sarantis Group in Portugal supports through Bioten’s sponsorship the “Corrida Sempre Mulher”, a women’s race dedicated to the cure of breast cancer

Sarantis Group in Portugal this year enhanced a good cause by being an official sponsor of “Corrida Sempre Mulher” (Always Run Woman) through Bioten.   The race took place on 10th of April and an amount of 116,001€ has been generated for the cause of breast cancer’s cure by the participants’ contribution.

21 MARCH 2022

Sarantis Group celebrates the International Day of Forests through bioten’s tree planting initiative in Philippines

Bioten, Sarantis Group personal care brand, honors the International Day of Forests through its ongoing CSR reforestation initiative in the Philippines Sarantis Group, one of the largest multinational consumer products companies with a significant international presence, leading brands and partnerships, through its corporate and product initiatives intensifies its efforts to have a positive impact across its operational countries, further enhancing its social and environmental footprint.

28 FEBRUARY 2022

Sarantis Group contributes through volunteering to the mission of Orama Elpidas Αssociation

An educational webinar was held for the Group's employees in Greece encouraging them to volunteer through a donation of Hematopoietic Cells / Bone Marrow  Sarantis Group in the occasion of the World Cancer Day on February 4th and the World Day against Childhood Cancer on February 15th, organized a webinar for its employees in Greece.

1 OCTOBER 2021

Polipak adopted three European bison from the Poznan New Zoo

Pomiłka, Postka and Poskoczka - these are European bison from Poznan Zoo, which will stay under our care for the next year. Why did we choose these animals? Because it is one of the symbols of our country, a protected species.

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