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Press Releases

5 AUGUST 2021

Sarantis Group supported sportive activities and promoted bioten Deos at Skopje’s Central Park

This summer, after bioten’s new deodorants new launch, Sarantis Group organized a sportive evening at Skopje’s Central Park. Many sports enthusiasts came to participate to the well-organized event and enjoyed and attended yoga classes and other activities.

28 JULY 2021

Release Date of Sarantis Group Consolidated Financial Results for H1 2021 & Conference Call Invitation

Sarantis Group will release the H1 2021 consolidated financial results, according to the following schedule: Thursday, September 9th 2021 after ASE closing – Results Release, which will be available in the Athens Stock Exchange web page (athexgroup.

23 JULY 2021

Sarantis Group was distinguished as one of the «Most Admired Companies 2021» on Fortune’s list

Sarantis Group was distinguished on the list of the Most Admired Companies 2021, which was compiled for the seventh consecutive year in Greece by the leading Fortune magazine in collaboration with the international audit, tax and consulting services company, KPMG.

13 JULY 2021

Sarantis Group: Mr. Giannis Bouras reveals the Group’s business plan for the post-covid-19 era in

The "secret" of the Group's success, strategy, and objectives after the pandemic are described in by the Deputy CEO & Chief Commercial Officer of Sarantis Group, Mr. Giannis Bouras in his first interview since he joined the Group.

30 JULY 2021

Sarantis Group continues it’ s CSR tradition in Poland celebrating the 10th anniversary of the “Clean Tatra Mountains” project

”Clean Tatra Mountains” is the biggest cleaning project in Poland and successfully had its 10th  edition in 2021. Sarantis Group in Poland participated actively this year through its brands’ sponsorship Jan, other sponsor who participated were: Biedronka, Garnier JN, Rekopol, Olivia Business Centre, Re.

26 JULY 2021

Sarantis Group was awarded at the Lenovo Retail Business Awards 2021 for its dynamic and constant growth

Sarantis Group was awarded at the Lenovo Retail Business Awards 2021, the largest institution regarding the Greek Retail Trade and Industry in the Hellenic market, aiming to distinguish exceptional Greek businesses.

19 JULY 2021

Resolution of the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting

On July 16th 2021, Friday and at 14:00 p.m., the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of “GR. SARANTIS S.A.” took place at the Company’s registered offices. During the General Meeting, 123 shareholders representing 53.

8 JULY 2021

Sarantis Group receives the First Call Option Notice from Estee Lauder Europe Inc. for additional shares of ELCA

Sarantis Group (the “Group”) announces that, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the amended Shareholders Agreement entered into with Estee Lauder Europe, Inc. (“EL Europe”) with respect to the company ELCA Cosmetics Limited (“ELCA”), EL Europe provided the first call option notice for the purchase of shares held by the Group.


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