PRESS RELEASE Sarantis Group, in the context of the further strengthening of the Health & Care division proceeded on the 2nd June, 2011 to the acquisition of 100% of the shares of “D. KOUKOUZELIS LTD”.
Gr. Sarantis S.A. Consolidated Financial Results 3M 2011 Highlights: 3Μ_2011 Maintaining the sales levels of Q1 2010. Consolidated sales amounted to € 49.61 million. Increased production costs lead to reduced gross profit margin.
ANNOUNCEMENT According to article 2 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission's Decision 3/347/12-7-2005, GR SARANTIS SA announces that its B.o.D, during its session on April 12th, 2011, elected Mr Efstathiou Dimitrios, as a new independent non-executive member, replacing the resigned member Mr.
PRESS RELEASE Sarantis Group corporate presentation was realized today, April 8th 2011 at the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association where Mr. Konstantinos Rozakeas, Chief Financial Officer of Sarantis Group, presented the Group’s 2010 financial results as well as the management’s strategy and estimates for 2011 financial results.
PRESS RELEASE Sarantis Group announces the acquisition of the Hungarian household products brand DOMET. More specifically, Sarantis Group, in the context of further strengthening its presence in Eastern Europe and in order to meet its strategic goal of becoming the leading consumer products company in the region, signed on 31/05/11 an agreement for the acquisition of the brand name DOMET.
Announcement Sarantis Group will release the Q1 2011 consolidated financial results, according to the following schedule: Monday the 30th of May after ASE closing: Results Release, which will be available in the Athens Stock Exchange web page (www.
PRESS RELEASE According to the Hellenic Capital Market Commission's decision 5/204 article 5 paragraph 1, Gr. Sarantis announces that the article which posted on the website 11/04/2011 from "Euro2day" entitled "Sarantis: Two mature acquisitions in SE Europe", is incorrect, due to the fact that the negotiations are at an early stage.
Gr. Sarantis S.A. Consolidated Financial Results 12M 2010 Highlights: 12Μ_2010 Increase in sales by 1.9% compared with 2009. 2010's results are consistent with the company's budget. Strong expand of the Group's business abroad.