ANNOUNCEMENT Gr. Sarantis S.A. as part of its obligations, to inform the investor community, and in accordance with the Articles 275 and 292, section 4 of the Athens Stock Exchange regulation, announces its Financial Calendar for 2011:28th March 2011: 2010 Annual Financial Results release.
According to article 2 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission's Decision 3/347/12-7-2005, GR SARANTIS SA announces that its B.o.D, during its session on February 15, 2011, elected Mr Souriadakis Emmanouil, as a new independent non-executive member, replacing the resigned member Mr.
Consolidated Financial Results 9M 2010 During 9M 2010, the marginally top line growth combined with the increased A&P expenses and as well all the expenses related to general cost reduction (severance payments etc.
ANNOUNCEMENT In light of Sarantis Group financial performance and the anticipated consumer market conditions both in Greece and Eastern Europe for the remainder of the year, Sarantis Group proceeds to the revision of its financial estimates for the year 2010 according to the following table: ** excluding one-off tax * In 2007 capital gains from sale of the affiliated company K.
ANNOUNCEMENT Sarantis Group will release the 12M 2010 consolidated financial results, according to the following schedule: Monday the 28th of March after ASE closing – Results Release, which will be available in the Athens Stock Exchange web page (www.
PRESS RELEASE GR. SARANTIS SA announces that today, 23/12/2010, has sold its participation to K.THEODORIDIS S.A., (trade name “OTO TOP SA” and hereinafter the “Company”), a company trading in the distribution of car accessories.
ANNOUNCEMENT Sarantis Group will release the 9M 2010 consolidated financial results, according to the following schedule: Monday the 29th of November after ASE closing – Results Release, which will be available in the Athens Stock Exchange web page (www.
ANNOUNCEMENT Following the announcement dated 08/06/2010 regarding the extraordinary contribution for social responsibility of article 5, Law 3845/2010, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that the amount of the extraordinary contribution for social responsibility for the fiscal year 2010 for the Group amounts to 251,696.