STR8 proud of its ambassador, Giannis Antetokounmpo and his distinction as this season's most valuable player in the NBA, continues to support the action of this great player, as he has done all these past years.
We sponsored a trip of a group of children from the Zoo school in Środa Wielkopolska to the global finals of the Odyssey of the Mind, which took place at Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA.
ANNOUNCEMENT Following the announcement dated 08/06/2010 regarding the extraordinary contribution for social responsibility of article 5, Law 3845/2010, the company GR. SARANTIS S.A. announces that the amount of the extraordinary contribution for social responsibility for the fiscal year 2010 for the Group amounts to 251,696.
Sarantis Group in Portugal this year enhanced a good cause by being an official sponsor of “Corrida Sempre Mulher” (Always Run Woman) through Bioten. The race took place on 31st of March and an amount of 110.
TriplePak is a new, patented plastic film, distinguished by an innovative, three-layer structure. Thanks to it, it is possible to produce bags of uncompromising quality, which are characterized by high durability, functionality and an ecologically responsible approach to the use of raw materials.
PRESS RELEASE In the context of active and responsible presence on issues of corporate social responsibility, Sarantis company supports a pioneering initiative, in collaboration with the Charity Organization "MAKE a WISH", in order to fulfil, with the support of the public, as many wishes of children that suffer serious illnesses as possible, offering them this way grins and happiness for the future.